Hymn 2 - Duror of Appin
Composed for the Valedictory Holy Eucharist
For Rev'd Canon David Day
St Columba, Gruline, Isle of Mull - 2002

In 1999 Jan and I retired to live in our cottage on the Isle of Mull. During the many holidays we had spent there since buying it in 1991 we had attended the Sunday worship at the nearby Scottish Episcopal Church of Saint Columba, Gruline. In early 2001 it was announced that there would be no service on the following Sunday because there was nobody available to lead it. I explained that I had been given Probationary Lay Reader's license in 1976, while living in Suffolk. I said I would be prepared to offer Matins, if they agreed. The congregation did agree and my role as a worship leader expanded until, by the summer of the following year, I was conducting Eucharistic worship, administering pre-consecrated elements from the Reserved Sacrament. We were the responsibility of an itinerant priest, Rev'd Canon David Day, who had a charge (parish) at Duror on the Appin coast, north of Oban.

In 2002 Canon Day retired and I composed a hymn to be sung at the Valedictory Solemn Holy Eucharist service that I planned for him. Again, I picked out a simple melody and Colin Edmundson, Assistant Organist at Blackburn Cathedral, harmonised it for me.

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