A Very Anglican Monk
A Study of the Life and Works of Dom Gregory Dix
In his book The Shape of the Liturgy Anglican monk Dom Gregory Dix coined the phrase ‘Eucharistic man’. In a speech to clergy Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, remarked that Homo Eucharisticus, his Latinised version of Dix’s words, was, ‘a new human species who makes sense of the world in the presence of the risen Jesus at his table’.

In this work the author seeks to define what is specifically meant by the term Homo Eucharisticus and indicates that, in a very real sense, Dix was Homo Eucharisticus, as understood in his life, vocation, and in his primary scholarship as it is centred on The Shape of the Liturgy. He demonstrates that Dix’s theology was Incarnational and that his Trinitarian understanding was based on the precept of a ‘Spiritual-Logos’. He examines these concepts in the context of Dix’s experience and personality, assesses the historical, intellectual and theological influences that helped to shape his life and vocation, and explores his Anglican identity as a priest, a scholar and a member of a religious community.

The author explains Dix’s creative understanding of the Trinitarian nature of the Eucharist and determines that he was a noteworthy theologian of major significance. He includes studies of Dix’s writings on the Ministry of the Church and his major liturgical works The Apostolic Tradition of Saint Hippolytus and The Shape of the Liturgy. Finally, he presents a reassessment of Dix’s liturgical scholarship and reviews his continuing importance in the Church of the twenty-first century.

Note: This book comprises the text of the author's doctoral dissertation for which he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Glasgow in June 2014. The title has been changed from 'Homo Eucharisticus: Dom Gregory Dix - Reshaped'.

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ISBN: 9781291864366
279 pp : £15.00
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