The Most Brilliant Man:
Dom Gregory Dix

In 2018 I published Out of the Cloud, my first compilation of essays, reports, papers, etc, which were liberally scattered among the folders on my computers, and which also occupied some space in 'the cloud', hence the book's title. Early in 2022 I repeated the exercise and uncovered many more of my disparate compositions which had either never been published or which had appeared in subject specific journals, such as The Prayer Book Today and Faith and Worship (both of these from the Prayer Book Society, of which organisation I have been a member for nigh on 40 years). This latter compendium was published under the title, Scripta Theologica.

This present work is also an assemblage of essentially unpublished compositions which were written as part of my studies into the life and principal writings of Anglican monk and liturgist, Dom Gregory Dix (1901-52) for which I was awarded a Ph D by the University of Glasgow in 2014.

In an obituary the Right Rev'd Kenneth Kirk, Bishop of Oxford, described Dix as, 'My friend, and the Most Brilliant Man in the Church of England'.

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